Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey

Trying to find three animals
in the wilderness...

is like trying to find
a needle in a haystack.

I think we need
to be realistic.

I don't care what you think.
I told you he'd think I abandoned him.

But you made us come anyway!
It's your fault!

- It's all your fault!
- [ Laura ] Peter.!

[ Door Slams ]
- Professor?
- What?

- They're waiting for you.
- Who?

Dean Maxwell
and the Grant Committee.

Oh, I forgot.
Print! Print, you
Stone Age piece of junk.

- Professor.
- Yeah, yeah, okay, okay.

Listen, um, could you
do me a big favor, please?

Have 50-- No.
Have 1 00 of those printed up
as a personal favor to me.

I'd really appreciate it.

[ Chance ]
Hungry, hungry, hungry,
hungry, hungry, hungry.

Again, first thing I'm
gonna do when I get back
is raid the trash can.

- I just want to see Peter.
- Yep, straight into the garbage...

snout first,
darn good eatin'.

[ Creaking ]
