There's a b-b-big,
a c-c-ca--
A huge cat!
You're smelling things.
Now, stop scaring
the fish.
Bu-But it was there!
I-I didn'tjust smell it.! I--
[ Growling ]
There it is again!
Shadow! Sh-Shadow!
- Shadow!
- Young dog,just--
- [ Yowling ]
- Run!
[ Chance ]
I'm such a wimp!
I'm runnin' from a cat!
I won't tell
if you won't.
Of course, this isn't
your ordinary house cat! This
is like Arnold Schwarze-kitty!
[ Chance ] If I don't make it, I got
a pile of bones buried in the backyard.
We'll make it.
I knew it! We're trapped!
We're goners!
Uh.! Look, the bones are buried
next to thejungle gym.
The TV remote control
is under the seesaw.
[ Shadow ]
Seesaw? Seesaw.
you're a genius.!
I am not!
What's a genius?
Never mind. This is
gonna take teamwork.
[ Barking ]
- [ Barking ]
- [ Mountain Lion Growling ]