Bullshit! Don't try
to trade paintings for rent.
What a racket!
It's to block the noise.
I can't concentrate.
- You like Taiwanese music?
- Anything to block the noise.
What's this painting called?
And if you shut it off, the whole building
will be without hot water.
Then don't touch it.
Can't you fix it? It's so hot in here.
How am I to live like this?
It's not a living space.
That's why the rent is so low.
I've tried it for a year.
It's stuck.
What's this?
My depression special.
You're really that poor?
Just depressed.
Immigration showed up at work yesterday.
Luckily I got there late.
As usual.
They got Emily.
If they get me,
I'll be meeting Emily in Shanghai.
Emily was my best friend.
Now I've lost my job and my friend.
I'm sorry.