- Where did you learn to sing?
- Dong Wu University.
You don't speak like a singer.
One doesn't speak like one sings.
Is that so?
- Are you really an opera fan?
- No.
Thought so. Pity.
What is it, three more flights?
You must forgive me.
I'm so ashamed.
When Simon told me the story...
I felt like jumping
off the Brooklyn Bridge.
No, it's for me to apologize.
You've been having so many troubles,
and all I do is pressure you for rent.
I brought you an air conditioner.
But the electricity costs?
Out of work again.
I'm such a fool.
Always hoping you'll like me.
Anyway, Wai and I would like
to invite you out to dinner.
- It will be my farewell dinner.
- Your what?
Really. I can't last any longer.
No money, no job, no green card.
No stupid American will marry me.
What about Boris?
I thought he was gonna marry you.
He was. But he wanted $5,000.
What! What about Andre,
that guy you were seeing?
He wanted to marry me, too,
but it turns out he's Albanian...
and doesn't have a green card himself.
I'm such an idiot.
I said forget about it.
Don't you see? This way Wei Wei
can stay here and paint...
and you can finally
get your parents off your back.
Forget about it.
We can move her into the basement
until the immigration exam.