We'll stay home this morning.
You can do some calligraphy.
This afternoon
we'll get married.
- Get married?
- Who?
We are.
You came for our wedding, right?
This afternoon?
Why wait? We've prepared
our marriage certificate...
and we have
a marriage appointment at 2:00.
We planned to do it
one day after your arrival.
We came all this way.
How can you be so casual?
Ma, we're both very busy
and not much for ceremonies.
Besides, her parents can't make it,
so why not keep it simple?
This happens only once
in a lifetime.
Think of the bride,
if not yourself.
Our friends and relatives
gave $30,000...
to have a grand wedding.
What will we tell them?
- We're not marrying for them.
- Lf not for them, then for whom?
Ma, it's okay. A wedding banquet
will not affect how we love each other.
We're not into these traditions.
Very well.
They're adults.
We'll do what they want!
Why should it be like this?
To have and to hold...
for better, for worse...
for richer, for poorer...
in sickness and in health...
till death do us part.
Under the authority vested in me,
I now pronounce you are husband and wife.
You may kiss the bride.
Excuse me, you guys.