Hsimeng jensheng

In the days
of theJapanese occupation...

births had to be registered
within one month.

My father,
whose name was Ko...

went and registered me
as Ko Tienlu.

But right after that...
my maternal grandfather went
and registered me as Li Tienlu.

The police said,
"You can't do that.

His father's last name is Ko,
so his last name should also be Ko.

If you call him Li...
it's like writing a composition
with the wrong title."

That made my grandfather
real mad.

But, he thought,
if he were to insist...

that would really create a feud.
The man who witnessed...
the original agreement...
that gave my father in marriage
to my mother's family, came to help.

His name was Li Yinhok.
A real just man.
He advised my father...
not to make a big issue
out of it.

He said, "Don't forget, it's you who's
given up your family name in marriage.

At the time,your father-in-law
made it very clear...

that your firstborn...
be it boy or girl,
be given his family's name, Li.

After the first, no matter
how many children you have...

you can name them Ko
or anything you want."

So when I was born,
they called me Li...

all because of the conditions
of my father's marriage.

So that's how I was born.
