I don't understand how things could
have gotten so out of hand.
So today I've come
to take Big Eyes home.
This way...
it'll be easier for you
to keep your integrity.
After she grows up in Amoy...
I'll bring her here
to visit often.
After she's grown up...
I'll bring her here...
then you can decide whether
you still want her or not.
It'll all be up to you.
We raised Big Eyes
every step of the way...
ever since she was a baby.
I had planned to marry her
to Tienlu.
I know.
When my departed God sister
Piya was still alive...
things were so right.
That's why she was wholeheartedly
willing to have Big Eyes here.
Who was to know that the family
would come to this?
I am saddened
when I think about it.
Mr. Li, I think you should take
a wider view toward this.
Take it as part of your fortune.
Even if you have no regard
for my opinion...
you should have respect
for the departed Piya.
It is I who must
answer to her memory.
I will take good care of her
after I take her back.
As I said,
after Big Eyes grows up...
I promise
to bring her back to you...
and you can decide
what to do with her.