Mr. Li from Jiuding...
somehow learned that
I had theatrical talent.
At the time his puppet troupe
was short one puppeteer...
so he came to our house
to talk to my father.
My father said, "Sure, he can go,
but what's the deal?"
Fifteen dollars a year
to my father...
with extra for each performance.
My father figured it was okay...
so he took the $ 1 5...
and I was off to the hills.
I performed for Mr. Li
for one year.
At the time there were
two troupes inJiuding--
Mr. Li's...
and Master Onglai's.
Onglai came to watch me perform
and thought I was all right.
Before my year's contract was up...
he went to Taipei
to meet with my father.
He said he would give my father
$30 a year.
My father was happy
that the price was doubled.
So what could I say?
He was a strict man.
So against my will,
I went over to Onglai's troupe.
How strange it was. Their troupe
didn't even have a name!
Since the troupe performed...
in the mountains every day...
we named it Mountain Panorama.
After eating every day, we would just
sit there gazing at the mountains.
Someone's coming straight at us.
I shall spit the poisonous mist
to subdue him!