In the Line of Fire

You're the same. Name one thing
in your life that has any meaning.

- I play the piano.
- That's not enough.

How do you know? Do you play?
I've seen you in your bar alone.
There's no cause worth fighting for.
All we have is the game.

- I'm on offence. You're on defense.
- When do we start playing the game?

The clock's ticking, Frank.
Take care.

He scrambled it. I missed him.
Jesus, Frank.
I called for hours.
I thought something happened to you.

I'm sick, I'm tired
and I'm armed, too. So be careful.

- You're also maybe a genius.
- Not to be recognized in this lifetime.

- Did you listen to the call?
- Yeah, remember...?

Call the field office in Minneapolis.
See what you can find
about the accidental deaths.

Will you listen to me, please?

- Spit it out, damn it!
- We spoke to some model builders.

There is a professor at Pasadena
College. I think we've got something.
