In the Name of the Father

Not always.
I don't deserve to spend
the rest of my life in here, do I?

All they've done
is block out the light.

They can't block out
the light in here.

Every night...
I take your mother's
hand in mine.

We go out the front door,
into Cyprus Street...

down to Falls Road,
up the Antrim Road...

to Cave Hill.
We look back down...
on poor, troubled Belfast.
I've been doing that every night...
for five years now.
As if I never left your mother.
What I remember most
about my childhood is...

holding your hand.
My wee hand in your big hand.
And the smell of tobacco.
I remember that...

I could smell the tobacco
of the palm of your hand.

When I want to feel happy, I try
to remember the smell of tobacco.

Hold my hand.
Get the fuck--
Don't go sentimental on me now.
Don't be upset, Da. Look,
I'll hold your hand if you like.

I'm going to die.
Don't be saying that.
I'm scared.
You've no reason to be scared.
Don't you be comforting me when I can
see the truth staring me in the face.

I'm scared I'm gonna die here
among strangers.

You're not fucking dying.
Can I not say a thing
without you fucking contradicting me?

I'm scared to leave
your mother behind.
