This is the fucking
government, Gareth!
It's the fucking government!
What are they gonna say?
"We're sorry about that"?
"Made a wee bit of a mistake,
but you can be on your way now"?
What are they gonna say?
"Sorry we killed your da"?
"Sorry we fucked
your fucking life to hell"?
I am not putting my mother
through hell again.
Are you afraid of court?
I just don't wanna be
humiliated again.
I swear by Almighty God...
that the evidence I shall give
shall be the truth, the whole truth...
and nothing but the truth.
Mr Dixon, do you know
these young people...
known as the Guildford Four?
Yes, I do.
Do you know how long
they have spent in jail?
Fifteen years.
Do you know Annie Maguire...
who served her 14 years
without remission?
Do you know her son Vincent
who served five years?
Her son Patrick who served four?
Do you know her husband...
Paddy Maguire, who served 12 years?
Carole Richardson was 17
when she went to jail, Mr Dixon.
Now she is 32.
Do you know Carole Richardson?
- What is the point of this?
- Yes, come to the point.