The windows were very high...
with panes made
ofbeveled glass...
except for the top two...
which the teacher could open with
a long pole with a hook on the end.
You always managed to sit
at a desk where you could watch...
the movements ofthe treetops,
the birds and the clouds.
With the exception ofone time.
It was then that you decided
to grow up...
at all costs, as soon as possible.
You wanted to become
an architect...
and build schools
entirely out ofglass...
that would rotate to follow
the course ofthe sun...
and at night,
when the children were asleep...
the teachers would set the school
back in its starting position.
When you turned 1 4...
you fell deeply in love...
with a girl called
Milda Kosewort.
Oh, yes.
I remember that.
And what happened later?
Hanna, hurry!
Come, Anton!
We're not getting out,
Drive on!
Hurry! Don't dawdle!
He has Anton.
He mustn't get Hanna too.