Indecent Proposal

We never had much money,
so for entertainment...

David would show me architecture
that moved him.

But sometimes I'd have to ask...
"Why are we looking at
a stupid car wash?"

And he'd just say,
"No, not stupid.

Don't just use your eyes. "
He made me look at things

David, this is a steal.
Nobody even knows about it yet.

- It's beautiful.
- You could build a house here.

Make a name for yourself.
The house will be brilliant because
it will be a David Murphy house.

I found an incredible property
in Santa Monica by the ocean.

It was the perfect site
for David's house.

- How are we supposed to do it?
- Borrow money, like everybody else.

I'm telling you, these leverage-
stockbroker-buyout guys...

You should see the junk they buy.
They would go crazy
for a house of yours.

It was brilliant, even though I
didn't understand a word of it.

We had to tighten our belts
for the loan payments...

but it was our future,
and I got to build my house.

Then the recession hit.
The real estate market dried up...
and I hadrt closed a sale
in six months.

Construction fell
to its lowest point in years.

People were being laid off
everywhere, and I was one of them.

- I feel really bad about this.
- I don't understand. What happened?

The bank has called in
the demand note.

Can they do that?
You don't have any income
right now...

so they could attach
your assets.

What assets?
Your house.
Gotta keep up those payments.
I'm sorry.
