You'd think with all the hauling you do
between here and standing rock you'd see
at least one young buck on the warpath.
You know, you boys could stand
to get out of the agency for a spell.
Why don't you talk to george?
He just arrived here on the
overnight out of new york city.
I'm sure he'd be happy
to share his impressions.
Royer around?
You know he never shows
his face on issue day.
Only coffee, flour, and blanket this month.
No meat?
No meat, no sugar.
Flour, coffee, blanket.
Want bacon.
Children very sick. Need food.
Bacon is meat.
You holding back on us here, wheeler?
Why I want to talk to royer.
A little business matter.
No long hair.
No more than one wife.
No heathenish ways.
No old religion.
No drinking.
No language but english.
If you can accept these things,
then step over there and
pick up your uniforms.
Indian police are doing well.
Well, can't blame 'em for wanting
something better, I suppose.
Things took a bad turn back in '88.
Crops failed two years running.
And the indians weren't
the only ones who suffered.
We were damn near wiped out.
But clara, the boy, and me,
we saw ourselves through.