The beef allotment to this agency
has been reduced by one million pounds.
Washington takes its census
numbers quite seriously.
Well, it seems pretty damn
short-sighted, if you ask me.
And what about this bill of lading?
Couldn't bring myself to refuse 'em.
They were starving.
I'll pay for the lost goods in full.
Your charity only exacerbates a
difficult situation, mr. Wheeler.
You may want to have a look at this.
My colleague at standing
rock, mr. Mclaughlin,
informs me that rumors of an indian
messiah are spreading like wildfire.
He reassures me it is
only a minor annoyance,
but I have my doubts.
Well, no telling where
desperate people will find hope.
I can only do so much, mr. Wheeler.
More than that I am not allowed.
These people are suspicious of any changes.
Your predecessor colonel
gallagher was a hard man, but fair.
They'd come to respect him.
Be that as it may, the new administration
has selected me to see to its affairs.
Well, maybe when you've
been here a little longer-
- as you say.
Is there anything else you wish to discuss?
No, I figure we're through.
I'll say good day then.
Let's go, people.
Keep it moving.