Into the West

How far is the camp?
5 miles.
The creek called wounded knee.
You can't feed 400 hundred people on this
your job is to deliver the required
rations to wounded knee, mr. Wheeler,

not to question the order.
I'm... I'm not questioning it.
I'm just saying.
Don't fail to bring back your
keen eyewitness observations.

Why don't you climb aboard
and see for yourself?

Uh, thanks, wheeler, but, uh, I'm forced
to remain in the thick of activity.

You style yourselves "war correspondents,"
but the only fighting you've
seen is at the bar at the

hillsgate hotel where you
lubricate your vivid imaginations.

Pine ridge, south dakota.
Sunday, december 28th.
The indian war here has collapsed.
Chief big foot's defeated hostiles rest
fewer than 30 miles from this agency,

apprehended by the gallant
men of the famed 7th cavalry.

The chief's surrender is all but certain
to flush out those bands of renegades which

for too long have held this agency and its
surrounding settlements in
a virtual state of siege.

All civilized people here
await big foot's return

and give thanks in this time of
peace that the indian troubles are

about to be brought to a close
without further sacrifice of life.

Robert: Here you go.
