Into the West

Many was the time as a boy
I listened to his tale of

how a cannon subtracted a
leg at the battle of yorktown.

I'd have wagered both
mine to see what he saw.

My misfortune was to be born in a
drab age and to have lived in the

stifle of a barn where a man was
only as good as the things he crafted.

Wheelwrights we were, going back to the
time when they invented the damn thing.

Wheelers made wheels, but in my day,
we'd seen the wheels made the wheelers.

All the long day, I lived
in my books, and by night,

I dreamed of a better life
beyond the mississippi.

Morning, Enoch.
Hi, papa.
How are you?
Now, that is a thing of beauty.
Man: Anybody see jacob?
At your age, I was repairing
cannon wheels at valley forge.

At least you got to see
a bit of the world, sir.

That was the war.
We had no choice.
Thank god you live in a time of peace.
Yes, sir.
Apply yourself to the anvil,
and you're set for life.

It takes 10 years to make
a journeyman wheelwright.

Another 10 for master.
You'll never lack for work.
They need wheels in time of peace,
they need wheels in time of...

don't you sass me, young man!
Yes, sir.
You boys knock off for lunch now.
Except jacob.
You already had yours.
Plow horse needs shoeing out there.
