You got mountains covered with snow in
summer and forests that go on forever,
rivers that you can't hardly see across.
Sometimes you wait half a day
for a buffalo herd to run past.
Big shaggy beasts.
3 times a horse.
Horizon to horizon.
And the pacific, unsullied by human hands,
as it was on the eighth day of the world.
See if that'll work for ya.
Thank you.
Did you finish shoein' that
plow horse like I told ya?
Fine young man you got here.
If he doesn't get knocked
into a cocked hat first.
And you let the fire burn down, too.
We could've turned out another wheel
before the end of the day, but not now.
Think you can put a
sharper edge on this for me?
Yes, sir.
Is that...
human blood?
Arkansas toothpick ain't
for cuttin' your steak.
So where are you headed, sir?
St. Louis to meet up
with Mr. Jedediah Smith.
The Jedediah Smith?
God made only one of him
for all of us to look up to.
Who's that?
Mr. Smith opened up the
deep west for trappers.
Lookin' for a few good
mountain men to explore
the beaver populations
around the great salt lake.
How much can a man make off a beaver?
They keep buyin' beaver hats in London and
Paris, upwards to 4,000 or 5,000 a year.
It's time for you to get
back to work now, all of ya.
Oh, now, Margaret, that
is a fine-looking goose.
Do you believe that beaver story?
Sunday dinner was another form
of labor with my father and Nick...
my mother Margaret...
say grace first.
My brothers Ezra, Nathan, and Jethro.