For what we are about to receive...
Grandfather Abraham presided over
the ritual with grandmother Hannah.
The wheelers pounded iron 6 days a week,
but on the seventh, we pounded each other.
President Adams is saying
to europe, "keep out.
It's all ours.
It needs another Jefferson to take it all.
But isn't the west just one vast desert?
That's a common untruth, Mama.
West is all kinds of terrain.
It's a veritable garden of eden.
Jacob's just returned from
the west wing of the house.
Jacob, in fact, has yet to discover
the western side of the barn.
As with all rituals,
nothing ever much changed.
Until that sunday, when
I looked around the table
and said my silent good-bye
to each and every wheeler.
[Speaking lakota language]
Old indian: Heyoka, the clown, tried to lift
their spirits after
growling bear's dark vision.
For the boy, white feather,
there were only questions.
He sought answers among his family.
[Speaking lakota language]
[Speaking lakota language]
[Speaking lakota language]
[Speaking lakota language]
[Speaking lakota language]
[Speaking lakota language]
White feather was determined to
discover the meaning of growling
bear's vision and if the future
it predicted could be changed.