Mr. Smith, I can't do this.
Of course you can.
It vents.
Now I'm stuck.
Now I'm stuck.
I can't do this!
I don't wanna die like this!
Oh, God! No!
Old indian: The dancer stares
into the sun, sun-up to sundown,
moving with the sun, dancing, tugging
at his tether, pulling, twisting,
trying to tear the skewer through his skin.
And when he sets himself free,
he is reborn to the world.
He lays on a bed of sage and
recites his vision to the holy man.
If we never found this
cave, it would be over.
But in here like this,
we'll die by inches and nobody will ever
hear from us again or know what happened.
The lord revealed the cave as
he sent a fish to save Jonah.
Jonah was drowning.
I don't need a sermon when I'm so afeard!
"The fear of the lord is
the beginning of wisdom. "
And take hold my boot, move with me!
The fish swallowed up Jonah.
Jonah did not know it was god
who sent the fish to save him.
And Jonah cried out to the
lord from the belly of the beast
"lord, I do not want to die like this!"
Now let us pray jonah's prayer.
"I cried by reason of mine affliction
unto the lord, and he heard me. "