Into the West

Jacob, look here, Jacob...
what's in the newspaper.
"Pathfinders needed to
escort parties "west from

Independence, Missouri
through to california...

"following paths trail-blazed by the
recently deceased Mr. Jedediah Smith"?

"Running low on water,
" Mr. Smith went ahead of

the wagon train to find a
watering hole or spring. "

He was leading a party
on the cutoff to santa fe.

That part of the country's
Comanche territory.

He knew that.
He cut sign with the best of them.
He... he knew a man alone ain't got a chance.
Well, he was a god-fearing man.
He was a modest man.
Saved my life up in a cave in Utah.
The Mojave had surrounded us.
Things were at their bleakest and it looked
like the sun would wash our bones and he...

kept us goin' and he kept me believin'.
Now he's dead.
He wanted me to stay out west.
said if I didn't, I'd never
know the man I could have been,

the man god wanted me to be.
Wheelerton's gone stale.
I don't know.
Maybe it's the dare of it all.
Besides, I don't like how they treat you...
or young margaret light shines.
It's not like family.
They will grow accustomed to us.
A man expects more from family.
I want back west.
