Don't want it, don't need it.
No fever in california.
I heard one fella talkin',
said folks routinely live 150, 200 years
in california, the climate's so good.
Nobody can live that long.
One old coot, they say, was 250 years old.
And he plum had enough,
decided he wanted to die.
What'd they do, feed him Mexican food?
There's an argument to be made for Oregon.
I mean, at least they speak english.
Who's gonna talk spaniard
when we get to California?
You, Jacob?
Those dons are educated.
They speak english.
California or bust.
Didn't tell me you were a cooper Smith.
We're obliged to the proprietor
for lettin' us use the shop.
Make another wagon for the journey.
We're wheelwrights.
That's my brother jethro.
Next to pilots and Indian fighters,
there's few things as crucial
to the success of a train
as a skilled wheelwright.
You hadn't come by noland'S.
We intend to leave in a matter of days.
How many wagons?
I've hired a pilot named josiah bell.
He ran with Fitzpatrick,
trapping beaver, fighting Indians.
He's been everywhere.
He's got 2 scouts with him.
Including the others, we have 22 armed men.
Oh, yeah?
Horses or oxen?
Horses and mules.
Think those wheels can handle the trail?
I expect so.
Iron tires, 2 and a half inches, bolted.
Well, that's a substantial wagon.
Conestoga, we call it.
Well-seasoned wood, falling
tongues, well-steeled skeins.
What about extra axles?
Can't do without 'em.
Tires buckle, wagon tongues
snap, front axles fail.
The lower half of the wagon, Mr. Hoxie,
that's where all your problems all.
The running gear, we call it.
We can sure use folks
like you on this journey.
I got a part-time cooperSmith,
and a half-assed wainwright,