And now, with the power granted
by the great creator himself,
I hereby pronounce you man and wife.
Well done!
Who's next?
You have a ring?
Yes, sir. I do.
Very well.
I need your christian name, skate.
Alfred bertram guthrie, junior.
Jacob: Folks got married,
people died, babies were born.
It was the wheel of life.
Something about the plains made
people cling to one another,
and leave the grief behind.
Hell, grief was a luxury
none of us could afford.
We had to move on, toil
and drive, plod and push.
Just keep moving.
And when a wedding
happened, we'd all celebrate.
"Shivaree," we called it.
[Speaking lakota language]
[Speaking lakota language]
[Speaking lakota language]
[Speaking lakota language]
[Speaking lakota language]