You must allow me to make
your portrait sometime.
I couldn'T.
Oh, I think you could.
It's not very big.
If you knew what you were talking about
you'd know that's probably worth about $30.
You have found more of this?
Not yet, but I will.
Can I hold it?
Sure you can.
You've never seen anything like it.
Hundreds of them in the river pulling
out a fortune without even trying.
It's nature's bounty, and it's
right there for the taking.
It cannot be so easy.
I'm telling you it's just sitting
there in the water waiting to be found,
and I'm, by god, gonna find it.
I want to do what's right by all of us.
You have.
No, no, a man can always do better,
and that's just what I mean to do.
You could fix wheels again.
I'm no wheelwright, and neither was jacob.
You know that.
Your brother would not
care about such things.
Hell, he could be in the middle of some
stream right now making his fortune.