Into the West

[Speaking lakota language]
[Speaking lakota language]
What are you saying, my dear?
Oh... something my mother said
to me before we were married.

Her world always seemed
so different than mine.

I'd like to see it sometime.
I don't see any reason
why we shouldn't see some of it sometime.

- Do you mean it?
- Absolutely.

That's what we've always said we'd do.
We could catch the next stage to denver.
You're brilliant, you know that?
And exquisitely beautiful.
You're truly one of the most
wonderful women I've ever known.

And there've been so many, my love.
Oh! -Ethan! I love you, too.
- Mmm.

My daughter margaret and her husband ethan
were not alone in their wandering.

My son abe joined the ranks of jobless men
(Central Pacific Railhead Sierra Navadas)

who threw their lot in
with the central pacific

in its 1,000-mile journey
east from sacramento.

By the time it was finished,
the railroad would profoundly
impact my children's lives.

Put your backs into it!
Come back here, chief.
The name's abe.
One of the lost tribes of israel, are we?
Well, my old testament friend,
have you had a look at the
offering you just brought me?

We're trying to keep the grade level.
This won't do it.
You'll have to clean it up.
That's your job.
Hit him!
Damn gandy dancers!
That'll cost you sons
of whores a day's wages!

That goes for all of you! Now, move it!
