Thomas has to see to business here.
You and lilly, you look after mom.
I can work as hard as any of your brothers.
Harder, I expect.
Well, what is it, then?
You know father.
You're not like him.
You are decent.
2 stages.
Supposed to be 3.
Oh, well.
Father is father.
He is who he is.
There's no use trying to change him.
And there's family. You know what it's like.
They were taken from me.
Out here, we each make our own way in life.
Robert, some of us haven't got a choice!
We've always got a choice.
First wheelers came out
here, it was all wild country.
Grandpa's cousin jacob,
he's first to come out.
Sure heard stories about him.
They tamed so much of it,
I figure railroad will tame what's left.
Just isn't gonna be much of
a west once it's finished.
I guess I just wanna see it
before it goes, that's all.
Let me see it with you.
You're all I have left.
You're my only family.
Father's gonna have himself a proper fit.
Then you'll help me?
I can't make promises.
- I'm gonna take 2 melds.
- Mm-hmm.
Dog star had once believed the white man
would someday leave the land.
Black Hills,
Dakota Territory
Now, with his grandson white
bird and his son sleeping bear,
he saw them come like a
prairie fire on a hot wind.
Many passed through the sacred ground with