We going to live in tai fau.
Tai fau?
San francisco, right?
You learn chinese real good.
I've been studying your phrase books.
Learned how to write a
little of your alphabet.
You have village?
Americans don't belong to any one place.
Just when we get settled, we up and
get restless for something different.
I rode the pony express till it played out.
Never as free as when I
was on the back of a horse.
Nothing steady after that.
Why you stay now?
Never been part of something like this.
Something permanent.
Think maybe I'll see it
through, just this once.
Maybe I'm just a crazy
indian like they all say.
North Platte Nebraska
Territory April, 1867
Once north platte had only been an
empty prairie 300 miles from omaha.
Ambitious men like daniel wheeler had
turned the wilderness into a boom town.
Carnivorous swarms followed the
railroad workers every step of the way,
devouring their weekly pay
faster than grasshoppers.
Comin', pa!
Sure is flush times.
Hell on wheels.
You should've seen this
place before we civilized it.