Mr. Kurtz?
"Is life so dear or peace so sweet "
as to be purchased at the
price of chains and slavery?
Forbid it, almighty god!"
Very good!
Very good.
Very good.
I think that's enough for today.
And you all need to be gettin' home,
so, I will see you next sunday.
Oh, children...
your gifts are so sweet,
but entirely unnecessary.
Now, please, just git and go.
You put in paper like so,
touch the keys, and presto!
Out comes the letter with all
the quality of newspaper print.
With this device
and a little manual prestidigitation,
the tedious labor of business
correspondence may be cut in half.
Most ingenious.
May I put the lady
proprietress down for an order?
- I'll take one!
- Yes, sir.
Pickin's were good out there, clara.
Better than I expected.
Ran out of supplies
before I ran out of miners.
I figure it'll require a trip to omaha,
maybe kansas city to restock.
I won't have you goin'
back into those hills!