now belonged to the white man,
and he would never give it back.
Loved by the buffalo had
begun to see the truth
of growling bear's vision,
and it pained his heart.
He felt the loss of the power of wakan tanka
and knew that the time was soon coming
to return to his people without having
found the answers he had sought for so long.
Mr. Wheeler.
Captain pratt.
You remember.
Well, not likely to
forget our last encounter.
"Exception to the rule"
I believe you called me.
Not only that, I see,
but a man of many skills.
Nah, this just keeps
breath and bone together.
I come from a family of wheelwrights.
Your business prospers?
Ice storm killed most
of the cattle last year.
Destroyed most of the wheat.
Drought finished off the rest.
Farmers who bought goods on credit,
they had nothing left to sell or barter.
Nature can be a stern taskmaster.
The whole idea of a general
store's becoming obsolete.
Man can find everything he needs nowadays
in montgomery ward or sears
and roebuck catalogues.
Everything but purpose, mr. Wheeler.
I guess.
Well, can I offer you a
brandy and cigar, captain,
or do you abstain from ardent spirits?
I should, but I do not.
Thank you, mr. Wheeler.
I had occasion to observe
your classroom today, mrs. Wheeler.