Jackie, wake up
We gotta go downstairs
He said
he'd cut his foot investigating a noise...
outside his house.
I couldn't figure out
why he didn't tell Dad the rest.
He must not have too many good friends
if he had to come to us
in his time of need
He has a sword in that cane
Yeah And he attacked Mr Festinger
one night with a tree branch
Wonder why
he didn't use his sword
I guess that's when it all started.
I just didn't realize till later
that the trouble wasn't only with Norman.
Uh-oh Me spill
Who let this brat
into my crypt?
Spaghetti Bolognese? Now, how do you
expect me to clean up this mess?
This oughta do the trick
Don't move, Dylan
Hang in there Okay Cut
Camera one, lock it off
All right You can move now