Hey, Dexter
You like television?
Dad always went all out for Halloween.
But later that night,
he went too far.
Come on, Jackie. Open the door.
What are you tryin'to tell me?
You're too old to run around in a costume?
- How do you think that makes me feel?
- So don't wear one then
- No one's making you
- I like wearing one.
- Well, good
- Jackie, come on. It's Halloween.
You can wear a costume
and still be dignified. Look at me.
- Trick or treat
- Trick or treat
All right, Mr Adult The candy cauldron's
right here by the door
If you run out, there's more
in the cupboard by the fridge
If you run out of that,
there's always the change jar
Okay, Charles Let's go and leave
your brother to reflect on his lost childhood
Here you go
Hold that bag
Come on now
Do not fall
- My little brother's a clown
- Where is he?
Hi, Jack Trick or treat
Hi, Katie
Hello, Edward
We saw your dad down the street.
He's dressed like a big rabbit.
- I know
- Well, bye
Hi, Mike