Elder Maclntyre
Dad showed Invasion of the Body
Snatchers that night, his favorite movie.
He said it was really about all the stupid people
who worried that Communists...
were gonna
take over the country.
And all the towns around us It's a
malignant disease spreading through the country
I don't wanna alarm you
but check out
what this movie is really about.
Pods from outer space?
Some small town
called Santa Rita?
This is your town
He was drunk, not pretending.
I could tell by his half-closed eyes
and the slow way he moved.
Look again at that man across the street,
watering his lawn
- Go to two
- Two's off the set.
Or that woman
climbing out of her Pontiac
Carrying her grocery bags
- How big is that nose?
- Dad, don't do this
Who are these people moving in?
Jews? Commie bastards?