- So what's the story?
- No story
Did you see any other fathers
acting like seals?
- Somebody had to do it
- Could you ever just stop for, like, one minute?
I need to know if you plan on
being Bozo the Clown your whole life
Listen to this Who's the father
and who's the son here?
I don't know
- Open the goddamn door, Dylan
- It's locked.
I know it's locked
You locked it Now unlock it
- I don't know how.
- Then turn off the goddamn water
- I don't know how.
- Turn those goddamn knobs
- I don't know how.
- Goddamn it!
Goddamn it!
- I said, come on!
- No!
No, Jack No! No!
No, Jack! Please, no!
Now, you stay there!
Stay there!