I remember once...
...going on a school trip to the
top of the Empire State Building.
When I looked down
at the people on the street...
...they looked like ants.
I pulled out a penny and some of us
talked about what would happen...
...if I dropped it from up there
and it landed on somebody's head.
Of course, I never crossed that line
and actually dropped the penny.
I don't think Early Grayce even knew
there was a line to cross.
It's about the mind of a serial killer
and culpability.
Whoever can't distinguish
right from wrong is like a child.
By law, he should be treated like a
child. Not imprisoned or executed.
There you go again.
Next you'll lay it all
at the altar of misfiring synapses...
...amok biochemicals
and horrendous childhoods.
It's true. Most of these poor people
suffer from chemical brain imbalances.
- Is that enough tequila?
- No.
The answer is research and treatment
under hospital conditions.
Not the electric chair.
Great, Brian. Unless it's your
mother they find in the refrigerator.
But executing the killer
wouldn't bring my mother back.
- Thank God.
- Oh, everybody's a joker.
It would sure make you feel better.
No, actually, it wouldn't.
The bottom line is, these people
are evil, plain and simple.
How about a bowl of chili? A hot one.
Be right there!
"Antichrist will be a woman...
...in a man's body...