The rideshare was my idea.
I thought if a student
wanted to go to California...
...they'd help pay for the gas.
Carrie wasn't crazy about the idea...
...but the Lincoln only got
eight miles a gallon.
- They say the whole thing...
- Will slide into the ocean. I heard.
"Looking for somebody to take turns
driving and share expenses...
...on a week-long, cross-country tour
of historic murder sites"?
You've got to be kidding.
Brian, who in their right mind
would want to do that?
- I would.
- Like I said...
Hey, good luck on that thesis.
Don't know where
the personal office is at, do you?
The personnel office
is first door on the left.
What, down there?
Stinking bitch.
How you doing, mama?
Boy, I'm tired.
- Dinner ready yet?
- Almost.
Well, let me know.
Will you tell me more
about California?
Yeah, I guess so.
Let's see.
For one thing...
...people think faster out there
on account of all that warm weather.
Cold weather makes people stupid.
That's a fact.
I guess that explains why there are
so many stupid people around here.