It sure does.
- You know what else?
- What?
You never have to buy no fruit.
It's on the trees everywhere you turn.
And they ain't got speed limits.
I hear your first month's rent
is free. State law.
I'm thinking till we get settled,
we'll move from month to month.
How would that be with you, mama?
What will we do out there?
By God, the first thing we'll do
is get a six-pack of Lucky Lager...
...and we'll climb up to that
famous Hollywood sign...
...and we'll howl at the moon.
Yeah. Just like that.
I heard there ain't nothing
on that moon...
...except some little golf balls
that the astronauts left behind.
No, that ain't right.
That's bullshit.
The government's sending people there.
Just don't want us to know.
Now, get!
Well, let me know
when you're finished.
- What was he like over the phone?
- He was real polite.
He kept calling me "sir."
- I like that.
- I bet you do.
You should try it once in a while.
I don't know. This is really weird.
We should have met them first.
Beggars can't be choosers. They were
the only ones to answer the note.
Oh, God. Please don't let them
be as boring as Brian's friends.
Anything but that.