Jesus, they look kind of weird.
They don't have five bucks.
You let me do the talking.
- Let's keep going.
- Lighten up.
- How many times you gonna say that?
- As many as it takes.
Lighten up.
- Early?
- Mr. Kessler?
Hi, I'm Brian Kessler.
Nice to meet you.
You must be Adele.
Uh-huh, that's Adele.
- Nice to meet you.
- Hi.
- Can I help you with your luggage?
- Oh, yeah.
I'll get these.
Hi, I'm Adele.
Hi, I'm Carrie.
I like your hair.
Oh, thanks.
Because it's short.
Oh, yeah. Well...
Carrie was right.
If you looked up "poor white trash"
in the dictionary...
...a picture of Early and Adele
would be there.
But if I was gonna be a good writer,
I'd have to ignore the clichés...
...and look at life
through my own eyes.
So, Early.
What do you do?
Well, I do some work at the...
Well, I did some work
at the mirror factory.
Know what, Brian? One night
when we was staying up late...
...we was talking about how much
bad luck he must have...
...from all those mirrors he broke.
And I swear we came to 449 years...
...that it would take
for him to work it all off.
And he'd have to, after he died...
...he'll have to keep
coming back to Earth...