La Ardilla roja

Breathe along with me.
That's better.
You were like a fish out of water.

l won't take your helmet off.
They say you shouldn't, you know?

Seems like someone threw you off.
We're calling an ambulance.
lt won't take long.
You'll be OK, it'sjust the shock.

Are you in pain?
ls it your head?

What's your name?
Look at me.
Tell me your name.
l don't know. l can't remember.
Hey, you're a girll
Surely you rememberthat.

A girl?
Let me look for your papers, OK?
l feel sleepy.
- That's normal.

You got quite a knock.
-You're lying down.

You fell.
You don't have any papers.
Well, l can't find any.
You know what papers are?
lD card and all that.

Will they be on the bike?
What's happening?
l can't remember anything.

Don't worry about it.
