But l said lots of Js.
Julián, Julio, Jaime...
We'll carry on tomorrow.
Can you come with me?
l'm interested in amnesia,
and cases like Lisa's are rare.
l'd like you to tell me about her.
- Whenever you like.
Why not now? My office is upstairs.
Let me talk to Lisa first.
- Thanks. l'll see you upstairs.
lt's all settled.
Get dressed. We're going on holiday.
What a great bike, Jayl
- lt's yours.
You've prepared everything.
You're wonderful.
l'll take care of the helmets
and you drive.
No, you drive.
l'll navigate. Look, l have a map.
l don't want to drive, Jay.
- That's a shame.
l can't rlde a bike.
Neither can l. l forgot.
- Don't tell lies.
How did you get the bike here, then?
Come on, l'll hold you.
At least tell me how to start it.
- Like that, l think.
And now a great song by a band
which disbanded four years ago.
'Elisa'by The Flles.