La Ardilla roja

Grandad's taxi's coming
with dad in it.

Who's grandad?
- The driver.

You're my daughter, Ana.
And l'm your mother, Crlstina.

Alberto is yourfather.
And the taxi driver is
your grandad.

He's the father of
your mother and father.

ls dad a taxi driver?
When is he coming?
- Now.

l'm his wife, waiting for him,
and you're his daughter.

We're both waiting for him,
can't you see?

Can't you?
Yes, but he's not coming.
l told Carmen we were married.
l heard you.
Are we married?
No, we don't believe in marriage.
And before? Was l ever married?
lt's hot in here.
What do you do?
- Nothing.

What do you live off?
- You, l'm a househusband.

But l'm on the dole.
Yes, well, things are tough
but you'll find something.

The nervel You're a good-for-nothing.
You're lying.
l bet you can do something.
