A plane. l want to get it
passing overhead.
Eli, l'm crazy about youl
Let's go on a trlp.
What would you like me to do to you?
l'd like you to...
...grope me from behind...
...as far as you can, and forwards.
And to lift me off the ground.
Squeeze my nipples with
...or better still, with yourteeth.
l like it when you
strlp me off slowly.
Then l climb on top of you...
...and squeeze you hard
betwee n my legs.
So you won't get away.
How can you remember?
l don't remember.
But l can feel it here,
in my throat.
What would make you
scream with pleasure?
What drives me crazy
is you biting me.
Not too hard.
Not too gently.
l want you to bite me all over.
l want you to bite me all over.