La Ardilla roja

She probably ran off when she
found out you were here.

She didn't even take herthings.
Don't worry, Salvador. Calm down.
l sold you petrol the other night.
You've a red Ford Caprl.

How can l not worry? lt's very odd.
None of us knows where she is.
What's going on?
l'll tell you. There's no mystery.
She won't wake.
Give her a kiss, it might work.
Remember anything?
What's happened? l'm boiling.
l love herfrom my guts.
l need her like l need my liver,
my brains, my eyes.

Without her, my bones break,
my lungs melt and l can't breathe.

l can't live without SofĂ­a.
l'm going to stay here, Salvador.
