Jay's fasterthan you.
He's a sprlnter.
Let Felix see you run.
One and threel
You're a slimy lizardl A liarl
You've made it all up.
l don't carel
That's rlght, who cares?
She's the one who's lying.
She's not amnesiac.
You're like a woman.
You rememberthat, don't you?
What colour are my eyes?
Go on, think.
Who are you?
Where do you come from?
Name a placel
She never had amnesia.
Where are your reflexes?
Don't hit him, pleasel
Where are you?
Tell mel l'll come and get you.
l'm not coming back.
- Tell mel Or l'll smash his face in.
l love you, even if he hlts you.
Please, Lisa, tell him where you are.