ls Felix there?
- Speaking.
lt's about the radio message.
Have you seen Sofía Fuentes?
Where is she?
With me. We're together.
And who are you?
- Not telling you.
Why are you calllng, then?
Why did you put the message?
- Ask Sofía.
l've done that. She doesn't want
to see you, she's scared.
She doesn't like you saying
she's disturbed.
Why do you say that?
What's she doing with you?
Who are you?
And you? Are you her husband?
Where are you?
- ln Vitorla.
Someone elsejust rang
from Vitoria.
What did he say?
- l'm not telllng you.
But one of you is lying.
- l'm lying.
Listen to me, Felix
We know that bastard.
We knew he'd tell you
where we are, so we left.
l'm calling from a café,
on the motorway.
We wanted you to know.
ls Sofía with you?
Get heron the phone.
Sofía, he wahts to talk to you.
She says no.
Hold the phone to herear.
l won't bite her.
Go ahead, she's listening.