l know nothlng about you.
l don't know you.
But l hope one dayy
you'll get ln touch with me.
That's why l nevergo anywhere.
l've been ln fora month.
A month without seeing you.
Call me, at least.
l want to hear your voice,
at least that.
l'm dying to hear your voice.
l've written a song for you, Lisa.
Lisa can call us until 4 a.m.
Here, on the programme
'Life and Death'.
We will give her
the name of her lover...
...who wishes to remaln unknown.
We know his name beglns with J.
He has requested 'Elisa'for her,
by the group The Flles.
Blrd of blue lron and salt.
Give me a sign, Lisa.
l'm sure l'll see it.
Come on, let's go.