When I was your age, Harry Houdini
played here and I met him backstage.
And he made a gesture
like this.
And all of a sudden
this was in his hand.
And he said to me:
"This is a magic ticket."
"I got it from an Indian magician,
who got it from a Tibetan magician."
"It is a passport to another world.
It was mine."
"And now it is yours."
And now it is yours.
- What does it do, Nick?
- I never had the courage to find out.
I have always wanted to try,
but I was afraid it would not work.
At your age Houdini was like a god
to me. What if he was faking?
And then again...
- What if it did work?
- What if it did?
Houdini said something else.
He said:
"This ticket has a mind of its own.
It does what it wants to do."
That always made me edgy.
I guess there is only one way
to find out then. Right?
Please retain your stub, sir.
- Shall we see if Slater wins?
- Jack Slater cannot lose.
Never has, never will.