How did Slater find out?
Will you tell me?
I want him to join me, but he
keeps going after the bad guys.
Where is it written
that I am a bad guy?
Find out who talked and have
him killed. Then, Slater.
- What is it with you?
- We should call off the funeral.
Are you crazy?
When I say blood bath, there is...
A blood bath.
I will find out more about
Slater's short friend.
- He must be guilty of something.
- Yes, of acting like an asshole.
If I arrest him,
I have to arrest Congress.
- Why did your park there?
- In case my ex-wife is here.
She is not.
Her name was not in the credits.
- Who does the doctor treat?
- Patients.
- What is the elbow of my jacket doing?
- Wearing thin?
That was a stretch.
- Do you drive this on the weekends?
- No, that is my girl's car.
Knock on the door.
Your ex-wife is not home.
Her name was not in the credits.
- I hope you mean Whitney.
- Sorry. Whitney.
You are not Skeezy, are you?
- Stop it, Daddy!
- You have gained some weight.
Hi. I am Danny Madigan
and my life has not been long yet.
But from now on,
it will all be downhill.