Beatrice Goulard de Montmirail
for Mr. Jacquart.
Hello, Countess. It's Frederick.
Fred, is Jacques-Henri there?
One minute. A word of warning:
He's repairing the boiler.
He's on edge.
Why did you jerk
the lever so violently?
You asked me to.
Spare me.
My stunning vest
is now a filthy rag.
Why are you shouting?
Beatrice de Montmirail.
What a ball-buster.
Boiler trouble?
The burner is ruined.
Jean-Francois yanked on the lever.
Oil spurt out.
I was nearly disfigured.
Not to mention my jacket.
No one is of any help.
At least no one died.
Thank God.
I have a problem too.
Can I ask you a favor?
Go upstairs to the Gallery.
In our last family portrait...
there's a Royal Navy cadet.
Second row. The kepi with a feather.
Do you have a Pola?
A what?
A Polaroid, Jacques.
The children threw ours in the toilet.
We have no "Pola". And my name
is Jacques-Henri, not Jacques.
Try to understand, Jacquart/
my cousin is in an insane asylum
by accident.
I can't help your cousin.
We're busy.
The Bernay and Bernay Bank
is here for a seminar.
Edgar Bernay will be
bathing in cold water.
So, even if I had a "Pola",
I wouldn't take your picture.
Okay, I'll hang up.
I'll deal with this myself.
Good riddance.
The rooms are horribly humid.
Mr. Bernay is sneezing non-stop.
He wanted to relax
after his speech on sponsoring.
So he took a shower.
His head is full of shampoo.
If you can't get the hot water back,
We'll have to cut short the seminar.
Does the Instamatic work?
I'm draining Mrs. Pelissier's molar.