To the Hardy suite.
We'll be here several nights.
You and your friend?
There's just one bed.
He'll sleep on a mat
in the hallway.
Not here, he won't.
In the stable, then.
Pity, sire! Not the stable.
I prefer the forest!
There is no stable. So pay
for the room or go to the forest.
You understand me, my boy.
You're a kind man.
Don't touch me.
I'm not a kind man.
I'm not your friend
or your brother.
So dream on!
You'd let your brother
sleep outside?
He's not my brother!
I never saw him!
So he can sleep
Where the hell he wants!
You're so obscene!
Excuse me, ma'am.
I'm taking
President Bernay his tea.
What the hell do I care?
And their deposit?
No, I...
You can't stay.
It's very pricey.
The Count of Montmirail
sleep'st at Montmirail.
Keep your rotten coins.
Outside, scuzzballs.
Relax, Jacques.
Put it on my visa.
If Hub feels at home here,
it may jog his memory.
It's worth trying.
Whatever you say. If you want
to pay top price, be my guest.
You want my picture?
Don't stand there.
Show them to their room.
This way, Beatrice.
Sparks are flying!
The boss is angry at his brother.
This is the Godefroy Hardy suite.
The 10th century chimney is...
a vestige of the watch-tower.
Zounds! It's different!
Excuse me?
Leave us, wretch.
The Book of spells.
Holy scrotums!
You look drunk as a skunk!
Is that me?
That's an old fool!