What are you saying?
Mr. Kass is here.
Mr. Kass!
Hush! I must find Lady Ginette.
Who left with...?
A bear is chasing her!
Steer clear, beloved!
Steer clear!
Come back!
If you find enough force
in yourself,
you will be able
to change the course of the arrow.
Holy scrotums!
You almost pierced'st me!
Slay the father of my lady-love?
Your absence was an eternity,
dear Godefroy.
- It's hard!
- Sorry, beloved.
where are you, peasant?
Fetch my crossbow.
He's here, sire.
A-snoring in clown clothes.
Where are we?
Where's Freddy?
Who are you?
Take my crossbow.
Oil it at the castle.
What are you doing here?
Jump in the river.
You stinketh.